Saturday, May 1, 2010

Thankful for the little things

I've had the most, not sure how to describe, week. I continue to feel out of sorts, but just keep praying and plugging away. At the end of the week, Satan is still irritating me, but I feel confident that God is protecting me with every step that I take. So, in the quietness of this evening, I say a prayer of thanksgiving for everything that I am thankful for this past week.

I am thankful for:
  1. My heavenly Father (I've felt His presense greatly this week!)
  2. My loving husband
  3. My wonderful (yet annoying) children
  4. That I got to see Clara on Wednesday (our staff meeting was cancelled PTL!) and give her a hug and let her know how much she means to us and how much we will miss her loving husband Tom
  5. That I appear to have mastered my new washer and dryer
  6. That my new washer and dryer lessened the amount of laundry this week (or my family didn't dirty as much as they normally do, I'll take it, whatever the reason is!)
  7. That TJ was only nasty sick for a few hours on Friday
  8. That Mark was only down for the count sick for 24 hours
  9. Vanessa had a good week at school
  10. Suzy had a good week at school
  11. Jessica is communicating her hopes and dreams to us
  12. TJ began escalating at the restaurant today when he got something taken away from him and managed to descalate in record time (less than 60 seconds) without having to go outside. We were amazed and can't wait to report this to his behavior therapist
  13. We held a somewhat successful family meeting this evening to redistribute the chores
  14. I have amazing friends who pray for me and check in from time to time to remind me that they are praying for me and to see what I need
  15. Melissa B. who faithfully picks up my produce co-op basket the 1st and 3rd Saturdays of each month for me
  16. That my first week of my Business Statistics class was fairly easy, thanks to Mark going over some of the terminology with me, thinking I will be calling 1-800-ASK-NATE when it starts getting hard (it's been over 24 years since my college algebra class, which is a prerequisite for this class).
  17. I got a new medical insurance card and it had Tyler J Eley on it!
  18. The cooler weather!

I could go on for at least another 30 things, but you get the idea. Although this week has not been the greatest of weeks, I have SO MUCH to be THANKFUL FOR! God is Good! and I continue to PRESS ON! (thanks Pastor Gregg for that constant reminder!)

1 comment:

  1. i always say that i admire your compassion. but your genuine optimism is also really lovely. i love you. and your children are treasures
