Sunday, October 24, 2010

Transparency --> Trusting God

Many years, a dear friend challenged me out of my comfort zone. We were in the beginning stages of building what would become an awesome friendship when she presented the challenge. Allow others to get to know me. Yikes! I thought that I was fairly easy to get to know. I found out otherwise from her. It was at that moment that I realized that not only was I shy, but also private. I realize that I could share how wonderful God was and all the things that He was to me if I wasn't willing to be transparent with others?

So, I began to take baby steps towards transparency. Over the years, it has gotten a little easier. As sinners, we are full of pride and it is difficult to show others all of our faults. I am definitely not a perfect person, but I do struggle (even now) with letting others know my faults. God knows them all and there are a lot of them. I have discovered over time that there are a lot of people out there just like me (they have faults too!).

Through my being transparent in several areas of my life, I have had the privilege of sharing with others what God has done in my life. Both Mark and I have made our struggle with infertility very public, as well as our struggles and triumphs in building the family that God has desired for us. In more private arenas, we share our struggles and triumphs as a married couple. (Whoever thinks that marriage doesn't take work, will be in for a rude awakening when they realize the exact opposite). God has truly done miraculous things in my life. He gives me strength when I just feel like I can't take it any more (life can be slightly stressful at times). He reminds me of His expectations for me (Proverbs 31). He shows me what I Corinthians 13 really means through His word and in other Christians, my brothers and sisters in Christ. As I said in an earlier post, He keeps me safe.

Now, more recently, through this blogs, I attempt to be transparent with those of you who are reading them. It is not my desire to gain any attention to our family, our struggles or anything else. It is just a desire to be transparent and to share with you what God is doing in my life and my family's. It is my desire through my transparency to demonstrate God's love and His unfailing love for us, as well as provide encouragement to you. Remember, God is good. All the time!

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